
Investigador/a Principal

Simone Alfarano

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-8690-7978



Departamento: DPTO. ECONOMIA

¿La entidad es un centro tecnologico o un centro de apoyo a la innovación tecnológica?


I am Full professor at the University Jaume I of Castellón since 2020. I hold a degree in Theoretical Physics from the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy) and a PhD in Quantitative Economics in 2006 from the University of Kiel (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. T Lux from the Economics Department and Prof. F Wagner from the Physics Department. In June 2005 I joined the project «Complex Markets» funded by the European Union as a researcher.

In February 2006 I became Junior Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Kiel. In February 2009 I moved to the Universitat Jaume I in the Department of Economics as visiting professor, becoming associate professor in 2010. I was visiting professor at the Universities of Bari, Kiel, Cagliari and Bamberg. I have been teaching in
summer and doctoral schools in the Universities of Bari, Bamberg and Bochum.

My research is mainly framed in Computational Economics, Financial Economics and Behavioral Economics. I have published  mainly in international economics journals as in physics journals applied to social sciences: among them Computational Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Industrial and Corporate Change, Management Sciences, Physics Review E, Physics A. I supervised 10 doctoral theses in the Universities of Castellón, Bamberg, Kiel and Chieti-Pescara. Most of my students are currently employed in academic or regulatory institutions (e.g. ECB). I served in UJI as director of the UJI Chair of Excellence from the Bank of Spain in Computational Economics, Director of the Master in Economics and Department Coordinator of student exchange.

I am associate editor of the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (JEIC) since 2013, Studies of Applied Economics since 2015, and I have been associate editor of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

I served as guest editor for Computational Economics, Journal of Economic Interactions and Coordination, European Journal of Physical B and Economics E-Journal, and I am a reviewer for several well known journals. I served as a reviewer for national research agencies (Poland, the Netherlands and Belgium) and the AXA foundation.

I have been a member of the scientific committee of a dozens of international conferences (Computing in Economics and Finance, WHEIA, Artificial Economics among others). I have been IP of more than 10 research projects financed by UJI, regional government, Spanish national agency, Banco de España and European Union.

I have been invited as keynote speaker in 8 conferences and workshops related to complexity approach to Economics

¿Ha sido IP durante más de un año de proyectos de investigación de las modalidades de actuación descritas en el anexo V o en
modalidades equivalentes de convocatorias de planes nacionales de I+D+i anteriores o de la modalidad de «Proyectos I+D+I
para jóvenes investigadores sin vinculación o con vinculación temporal» de las convocatorias 2014 o 2015?.


Investigador/a Principal 2

Jaume Garcia Segarra

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-3112-9275



Departamento: DPTO. ECONOMIA

¿La entidad es un centro tecnologico o un centro de apoyo a la innovación tecnológica?


I have developed the majority of my career abroad. First, I spent one year at Rice University (Houston, TX) improving my Ph.D. thesis with Prof. H. Moulin.

After finishing my thesis, I spent 7 years in Germany at the University of Cologne ( 4 years Postdoc at Chair of Prof. AlósFerrer and 3 years Associate Professor). I have published 14 papers, all of them in international journals.

My first research line was about Bargaining Theory (topic of my PhD thesis) and Bankruptcy. In ORL 2015, we showed that Alvin Roth (1979, IJGT) has a redundant axiom, i.e., if we remove symmetry from his theorem, the result still holds.

Econ Letters 2017 shows the equivalence of Supper-Additivity and Concavity for n-agent bargaining problems. ETB 2018 proposes a generalization and characterization of the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution for n-agent problems. At JEIC 2019, we introduced «stagnation proofness» for bargaining path-solutions, extending Hans Peters and S. Tijs (1985, IJGT). At SCW 2019, we characterized the bankruptcy rule that applies US law.

In IJGT 2022, we characterize the family of additive rules. My 2nd line of research is at the intersection between Economics and Psychology. In JoEP 2018 we show that the desire to know how well or poorly we have performed a task can eclipse inequality aversion.

Our experiment shows that a small intervention in the performance disclosure policy removes the difference in preferences for performance-based distributions between women and men. At JoEP 2019, show that habituating subjects before the «stroop tasks» does not improve the ego depletion effect.

In JoEP 2022, we show the bias between men and women in reporting their performance on a task. Men want to know whether their position in a ranking is higher than truly expected, while women want to rule out that they are not worse than they thought.

Finally, at FRL 2022, we show that with a simple manipulation, high levels of consistency in the individual behavior of subjects emerge. Two additional papers deserve special attention:

1) Ethical allocation of scarce vaccine doses: The Priority-Equality protocol. We mathematically formalize the properties proposed by the ethicists and verify that i) the Vaccine Allocation Protocols implemented throughout the world violate these desirable properties. ii) We proved that all the properties are compatible with each other. iii) We propose an alternative protocol that satisfies all ethical properties. iv) we prove that this protocol is the only one that simultaneously satisfies the ethical properties described above. Any other protocol alreadyexisting or yet-to-be-designed, will either fail at least one of these properties.

2) «Generous with individuals and selfish to the masses» is my best paper and had an enormous media impact (e.g., research highlights of «Nature»). This contribution is published in «Nature Human Behavior» with an IF 24,252. The state of the art was that financial scandals are due to the self-selection of the most selfish humans as those who rise to the top positions of power.

However, we show that, when temptation is high enough, subjects (students) who behave as predicted by the literature in the DG, UG, and TG games are willing to appropriate half of the earnings of 16 innocent victims.

Hence, simple students are also sensitive to financial temptations. Therefore, financial scandals cannot be blamed on the fact that big bosses «are different» from the rest of the population. 

¿Ha sido IP durante más de un año de proyectos de investigación de las modalidades de actuación descritas en el anexo V o en
modalidades equivalentes de convocatorias de planes nacionales de I+D+i anteriores o de la modalidad de «Proyectos I+D+I
para jóvenes investigadores sin vinculación o con vinculación temporal» de las convocatorias 2014 o 2015?.



María José Gil Moltó

Código ORCID: 0000-0001-6247-1228

Rol: Personal de la entidad

I joined the Department of Economics at the University Jaume I in February 2022. Prior to that, I undertook my whole professional career in the United Kingdom, where I was Teaching Fellow at the University of St Andrews (2003-2004), Lecturer at the University of
Loughborough (2004-2007), and Leicester (2007-2013) and Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield (2013-2022).

My research interests fall within the fields of Industrial Economics and Environmental Economics, with a focus on innovation, competition
and cooperation, and mixed markets (where private and public firms co-exist). My research can be defined as ¿applied theory¿, although I have worked and I am interested in working on projects combining theory and empirics or experiments. I have published in journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy or Resource and Energy Economics, all ranked in significant positions within the JCR and SJR rankings.

I have presented in more than thirty international conferences and workshops. I have been external examiner in 7 PhD examinations, in various universities both in the UK and Spain. I am regularly invited to referee for internationally excellent journals and funding bodies. I am Associate Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, recently included in the Emerging Sources Citations Index (ESCI, Web of Science).

I have held various appointments with leadership and management responsibilities throughout my career. At the Department of Economics
at the University of Sheffield, I was Director of Learning and Teaching, which is one of the major leadership and management roles in departments in the UK and member of the executive committee. In this role, I regularly took part in recruitment panels, strategic planning processes, periodic reviews and faculty reviews, among other activities, at both the department and faculty level. I am Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Since 24/01/2022 Visiting Professor, Dept of Economics, Universitat Jaume I (Spain).
09/2013 01/2022: Senior Lecturer, Dept of Economics, University of Sheffield (UK)
(on maternity leave 02/2017-11/2017).
11/2007 08/2013: Lecturer, Dpt of Economics, University of Leicester (UK).
09/2004 10/2007: Lecturer, Dpt of Economics, Loughborough University (UK).
09/2003 08/2004: Teaching Fellow, Dpt Economics, University of St Andrews (UK).
01/2000 08/2003: PhD Scholarship (Formación de Profesorado Universitario, Spanish Ministry of
PhD in Economics (Industrial and International Economics), 2004, Dpt. of Economics, U. Jaume I
(Castellón, Spain). European Doctorate.
Masters of Advanced Studies (Industrial and International Economics), 2002, Dpt. of Economics, U.
Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.
BSc Business Administration and Management, 1999, U. Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.
Mixed oligopoly, cost-reducing R&D and privatization (with J. Poyago-Theotoky, J.A. Rodrigues-Neto
and V. Zikos), 2020, European Journal of Operational Research, 283(3), 1094-1106. Quality Indicators:
JCR Q1, JIF 5.334, JIF Rank: 15/84, SJR Q1, Citations GS 16. SJR : Q1.
Is emissions intensity or output U-shaped in the strictness of environmental policy? (with B.
Dijkstra), 2018, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 20(2), 177-201. Quality Indicators: JCR Q3, JIF
1.034, JIF Rank: 271/363, SJR Q1, Citations GS 8.
Endogenous Market Structure, Occupational Choice, and Growth Cycles (joint with D. Varvarigos),
2016, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, 70-94. Quality Indicators: JCR Q3, JIF 0.718, JIF Rank 219/347,
SJR Q1, Citations GS 6.
Green trade unions. Structure, wages and environmental technology, (with E. Asproudis), 2015,
Environmental and Resource Economics, 60, 165-189. Quality Indicators: JCR Q1, JIF: 1.667, JIF Rank
70/345, SJR Q1, Citations GS 14.
Pollution and environmentalists’ participation in Emissions Trading Systems (with E. Asproudis),
2014, Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 4(1), pp. 59-87. Quality Indicators: Journal in
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, WoS). Citations GS 5.
Emission Taxes and the Adoption of Cleaner Technologies. The Case of Environmentally Conscious
Consumers (with D Varvarigos), 2013, Resource and Energy Economics, 35, pp. 486-504. Quality
Indicators: JCR Q1, JIF: 1.404, JIF Rank 83/333, SJR Q1, Citations GS 30.
R&D Subsidies, Spillovers and Privatization in Mixed Markets (with J. Poyago-Theotoky and V.
Zikos), 2011, Southern Economic Journal, 78(1), p.233-255. Quality Indicators: JCR Q3, JIF 0.663,
JIF Rank 185/ 321, SJR Q2, Citations GS 105.
Economic Aspects of the European Microsoft Case, in Rubini, L. ed., Microsoft on Trial:
Legal and Economic Analysis of a Transatlantic Antitrust Case (2010, Elgar). ISBN: 978 1 84844 244
3. Citations GS 1.
Flexible vs Dedicated Technology Adoption in the Presence of a Public Firm (with J. PoyagoTheotoky), 2008, Southern Economic Journal, 74(4), pp. 997-1016. Quality Indicators: JCR Q3, JIF
0,645, JIF Rank 127/209, SJR Q2, Citations GS 18.
Entry and Exit by European Low Cost and Traditional Carriers (with Claudio Piga), 2008, Tourism
Economics, 14(3), pp. 577-598. Quality Indicators: JCR (2010) Q3, IF 0.614, JIF 0.645, JIF Rank
64/381, SJR Q1, Citations GS 22.
Entry and Exit in a Liberalised Market (with Claudio Piga), 2007, Rivista di Politica Economica, 97
(1), pp. 3-38. Quality Indicators: Citations GS 16. Paper available online at
Game-theoretic Aspects of International Mergers, (with A. García-Gallego, N. Georgantzís and V.
Orts), 2006, International Review of Law and Economics, 26(3), pp. 395-409. Quality Indicators: JCR
Q3, JIF 0.466, JIF Rank, 124/175, SJR Q1, Citations GS 9.
An Experiment on Subjective Game Valuation (with A. García-Gallego, N. Georgantzís, and V. Orts),
2006, Economics Bulletin, 3(10), pp. 1-6. Quality Indicators: SJR Q3, Indexed in the Emerging
Sciences Citation Index (ESCI, WoS) and JCR. Paper available online at
Cooperative R&D with Endogenous Technology Differentiation, (with N. Georgantzís and V. Orts),
2005, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 14(2), 461-476. Quality Indicators: JCR Q2, JIF
0.840, JIF Rank 56/175, SJR Q1, Citations GS 85.
Tests for Consistency of Three-level Nested Logit Models with Utility Maximization, (with Arne R.
Hole), 2004, Economics Letters, 85(1), pp. 133-137. Quality Indicators: JCR Q3, JIF 0.361, JIF Rank
125/172, SJR Q2, Citations GS 24.
Selected research funding:
10000: Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Value Health Risks, Universitat Jaume I, PI jointly
with Dr A.R. Hole (UJI). (2022).
£18000: Imperfectly Competitive Markets: Theory and Empirical Analysis. Regulation and Demand,
Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology; PI: T. Perez Amaral (U. Complutense de Madrid). (2008).
£24500: Economic Geography, Factor Mobility and Economic Activity, Science and Technology Ministry
(2005-2007); PI: V. Orts Rios (UJI).
£24200: International Economics: Market Structure and Competition, Trade and Factor Mobility,
Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2002-2005); PI: V. Orts Rios (UJI).

Arne Risa Hole

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-9413-8101

Rol: Personal de la entidad

I am currently working as a Visiting Professor at the Universitat Jaume I after spending the previous 20 years of my academic career in the United Kingdom (from PhD student to full professor).

My research is in the area of health econometrics, and I have a particular interest in stated preference methods and the econometric analysis of discrete choice data. I have published 45 papers in peer reviewed journals, which have been cited 4672 times (Google Scholar).

I am an Associate Editor of the Journal of Choice Modelling (Q1 Economics, JCR 2021), which publishes theoretical and applied papers in the field of choice modelling. I have given short courses and guest lectures on discrete choice methods in a number of countries (the UK, France, Italy, Sweden and Norway), and have given more than 50 conference and invited seminar presentations.

I have contributed to organising several workshops and conferences, and I have supervised 9 PhD students to completion.
I have written several modules for the statistical software package Stata, which have been downloaded more than 100,000 times.

I am affiliated with the Health Econometrics and Data Group at the University of York and the
International Research Collaborative for Health Economic Experiments based at the University of Oslo.


Ph.D. Economics, University of St Andrews Dissertation title: Modelling commuters mode choice in Scotland 2001 2004
M.Sc. Economics, University of Edinburgh 2000 2001
Cand.Mag. Economics, University of Visiting Professor, Department of Economics,
Universitat Jaume I Jan. 2022 present
Professor, Department of Economics,
University of Sheffield Apr. 2018 Jan. 2022
Reader, Department of Economics,
University of Sheffield Jan. 2015 Mar. 2018
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics,
University of Sheffield Mar. 2012 Dec. 2014
Lecturer, Department of Economics,
University of Sheffield Jan. 2009 Feb. 2012
Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics,
University of York Jan. 2005 Dec. 2008

Citation data
Scopus: 2438 citations, h-index = 23
Google Scholar: 4672 citations, h-index = 29
Selected publications
A Discrete Choice Experiment to Elicit General Population Preferences Around the Factors Influencing
the Choice to Make Clinical Negligence Claims, (2022), Value in Health 25, pp. 14041415. With Donna
Rowen, Nyantara Wickramasekera, Anju Keetharuth and Allan Wailoo. Quality indicators: JCR 2021 (most
recent year available): 5.156; (50/381) Economics Q1.
Valuing quality in mental healthcare: A discrete choice experiment eliciting preferences from mental
healthcare service users, mental healthcare professionals and the general population, (2022), Social
Science & Medicine 301. With Donna Rowen, Philip A. Powell, Maria-Jose Aragon, Adriana Castelli and
Rowena Jacobs. Quality indicators: JCR 2021 (most recent year available): 5.379; (30/182) Public,
Environmental & Occupational Health Q1; Citations GS: 2.
An investigation into procedural (in)variance in the valuation of mortality risk reductions,
(2018), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 89, pp. 278-284. With Trine Kjær and Jytte
Seested Nielsen. Quality indicators: JCR 2018: 4.175; (23/363) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 6.
The use of heuristic optimization algorithms to facilitate maximum simulated likelihood estimation
of random parameter logit models, (2017), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 66, pp.
997-1013. With Hong Il Yoo. Quality indicators: JCR 2017: 1.750; (27/123) Statistics & Probability
Q1; Citations GS: 12.
Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software», (2017),
PharmacoEconomics 35, pp. 697-716. With Emily Lancsar and Denzil Fiebig. Quality indicators: JCR
2017: 4.011; (17/353) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 221.
GPs’ implicit prioritization through clinical choices – evidence from three national health
services, (2016), Journal of Health Economics 49, pp. 169-183. With Julie Riise, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen
and Diane Skåtun. Quality indicators: JCR 2016: 2.373; (49/347) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 10.
Valuation of small and multiple health risks: A critical analysis of SP data applied to food and
water safety, (2016), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 75, pp. 41-53. With Henrik
Andersson and Mikael Svensson. Quality indicators: JCR 2016: 2.305; (51/347) Economics Q1; Citations
GS: 35.
Accounting for Attribute-Level Non-Attendance in a Health Choice Experiment: Does it Matter?,
(2015), Health Economics 24(7), pp. 773-789. With Seda Erdem and Danny Campbell. Quality indicators:
JCR 2015: 2.151; (41/345) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 53.
Testing a discrete choice experiment including duration to value health states for large descriptive
systems: Addressing design and sampling issues, (2014), Social Science & Medicine 114, pp. 38-48.
With Nick Bansback, Brendan Mulhern and Aki Tsuchiya. Quality indicators: JCR 2014: 2.890; (16/147)
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health Q1; Citations GS: 60.
Measuring and testing for gender discrimination in physician pay: English family doctors, (2011),
Journal of Health Economics 30(4), pp. 660-674. With Hugh Gravelle and Rita Santos. Quality
indicators: JCR 2011: 2.341; (29/321) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 35.
Modelling heterogeneity in patients’ preferences for the attributes of a general practitioner
appointment, (2008), Journal of Health Economics, 27(4), pp. 1078-1094. Quality indicators: JCR
2008: 2.118; (17/209) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 287.
A comparison of approaches to estimating confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures,
(2007), Health Economics, 16(8), pp. 827-840. Quality indicators: JCR 2007: 1.648; (18/191) Economics
Q1; Citations GS: 624.
Fitting mixed logit models by using maximum simulated likelihood, (2007),
Stata Journal, 7(3), pp. 388-401. Quality indicators: JCR 2007: 1.433; (18/91) Statistics &
Probability Q1; Citations GS: 863.
Research grants:
£56,000. A discrete choice experiment to elicit general population stated preferences around the
determinants of the choice to make clinical negligence claims against the NHS, UK Department of
Health and Social Care. Principal investigator: Allan Wailoo (Sheffield). 2020-2021.
£58,000. Development assistance through formula funding, public sector behaviour and health
outcomes, UK Economic and Social Research Council. Joint with Rodrigo Moreno Serra (Sheffield). PhD
grant. 2017-2020. Bergen 1995 2000  88,000: Exploring non-iterative TTO, EuroQol Group. Principal investigator: Aki Tsuchiya
(Sheffield). 2015-2016.
£29,000. Towards a broader framework for assessing country development in health: A practical
approach based on theory and evidence, The Global Fund, Principal investigator: Rodrigo Moreno Serra
(Sheffield). 2015.
80,000: Further Exploration into using DCE for EQ5D-5L Valuations, EuroQol Group. Principal
investigator: Aki Tsuchiya (Sheffield). 2013-2014.
£500,000: Guidelines as a tool for just distribution of health care: Attitudes to regulatory
guidelines among clinicians in three countries, Research Council of Norway. Principal investigator:
Benedicte Carlsen (Bergen). 2010-2013.
£243,000: Preparatory study for the Re-evaluation of the EQ-5D Tariff, UK Medical Research Council.
Principal investigator: Aki Tsuchiya (Sheffield). 2010-2011.
£30,000: PhD grant, Schlumberger and the University of St Andrews. 2001-2004

Thomas Lux

Código ORCID: 0009-0000-6470-3512

Rol: Personal de la entidad

Thomas LUX is Professor of Monetary Economics and International Finance at the University of Kiel.

His research interests cover various  theoretical and empirical aspects of financial and monetary economics that mostly require intense use of computational methods. Among
others, he has been working on agent-based models of financial markets, multi-scale statistical volatility models, and network models for the interbank market.

He has published widely in economics and statistics journals such as the Economic Journal, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Energy Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Journal of Forecasting, International Journal of Forecasting and Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, among many others.

Due to his interests in applying tools from statistical physics in financial economics, some of his output also appeared in journals like Nature, Physical Review and Reports on Progress in Physics, among others. Thomas Lux has served or is serving as an associate editor
of the journals Quantitative Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

He has been one of the founding editors and he is the current editor-in-chief of the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. He has
been involved into various large-scale research projects in the past, a project on Financial Distortions and Macroeconomic Performance, funded by the European Commission in which he has been the coordinator of a consortium of seven academic institutions in different
European countries.

He has been the Head of the Research Unit Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Activity of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (2008 2014), the Founding Director of the Ph.D. Program in Quantitative Economics (2002 – 2008) at the University of
Kiel, and he has been engaged in consulting projects for the German government and the European Central Bank.

In the period 2011 to 2016, Thomas Lux has held the Bank of Spain Chair in Computational Economics at the University of Jaume I, Castellon, Spain, as
second affiliation.

His publications have been cited more than 14,000 times.

Habilitation in Economics, University of Bamberg, Germany,1996
Ph.D. Economics, University of Würzburg, Germany, 1990
Diploma in Economics, University of Würzbug, Germany, 1982 1987

Investigador Distinguido,Department of Economics,
University Jaume I, Castellón, 2022 – Present
Professor, Department of Economics,
University of Kiel, 2000 – Present
Bank of Spain Professor in Computational Economics,
University Jaume I, Castellón, 2011 2016
Professor, Department of Economics,
University of Bonn, 1998 – 2000

Citation data
Google Scholar: 14231 citations, h-index = 53
Recent publications:
Sattarhoff, C. and T. Lux (2022) Forecasting the Variability of Stock Index Returns with the
Multifractal Random Walk Model for Realized Volatility, International Journal of Forecasting (in
Lux, T. (2022) Approximate Bayesian Inference for Agent-Based Models in Economics: A Case Study,
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (in press)
Fang, V., Honvehlmann, L. and T. Lux (2022) Peer Effects in Professional Analysts Choice of their
Portfolio of Companies, Quantitative Finance 22, 21252137
Lux, T. (2022), Bayesian Estimation of Agent-Based Models via Adaptive Particle Markov Chain Monte
Carlo, Computational Economics 60, 451477
Lux, T. (2021) Can Heterogeneous Agent Models Explain the Alleged Mispricing of the S&P 500?,
Quantitative Finance 21,14131433
Lux, T., D. Luu and B. Yanovski (2020) An Analysis of Systemic Risk in Worldwide Economic Sentiment
Indices, Empirica 47, 909928
Lux, T. (2020), On the Distribution of Links in Financial Networks: Structural Heterogeneity and
Functional Form, Empirical Economics 58, 10191053
Lux, T. (2018) Estimation of Agent-Based Models using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods, Journal of
Economic Dynamics & Control 91, 391408
Lux, T. and R. Zwinkels (2018) Empirical Validation of Agent-Based Models, in C. Hommes and B.
LeBaron, eds., Handbook of Computational Economics. Amsterdam, 437 488 (Elsevier)
Lux, T. and M. Segnon (2018), Multifractal Models in Finance: Their Origin, Properties, and
Applications, in: S.-H. Chen, M. Kaboudan and Y.-R. Du, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Computational
Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press, 204 – 248
Segnon, M., T. Lux and R. Gupta (2017) Modeling and Forecasting the Volatility of Carbon Dioxide
Emission Allowance Prices: A Review and Comparison of Modern Volatility Models, Renewable &
Sustainable Energy Reviews 69, 692704
Finger, K. and T. Lux (2017) Network Formation in the Interbank Money Market: An Application of the
Actor-Oriented Model, Social Networks 48, 237-249
Lux, T. (2016) A Model of the Topology of the Bank-Firm Credit Network and Its Role as Channel of
Contagion, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 66, 3653
Selected Publications: (each one with more than 200 citation in Google Scholar)
Scaling and Criticality in a Stochastic Multi-Agent Model of a Financial Market (with M. Marchesi),
in: Nature 397, 1999, 498 500
Herd Behaviour, Bubbles and Crashes, in: Economic Journal 105, 1995, 881 – 896
The Socio-Economic Dynamics of Speculative Markets: Interacting Agents, Chaos, and the Fat Tails of
Return Distributions, in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 33, 1998, 143 – 165
Volatility Clustering in Financial Markets: A Micro-Simulation of Interacting Agents (with M. Marchesi), in: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 3, 2000, 675 – 702
The Stable Paretian Hypothesis and the Frequency of Large Returns: An Examination of Major German
Stocks, in: Applied Financial Economics 6, 1996, 463 – 475
Estimation of Agent-Based Models: The Case of an Asymmetric Herding Model (with S. Alfarano and F.
Wagner), Computational Economics 26, 2005, 19 – 49
Core-Periphery Structure in the Overnight Money Market: Evidence from the e-MID Trading Platform
(with D. Fricke), Computational Economics 45, 2015, 359395
The Markov-Switching Multifractal Model of Asset Returns: Estimation via GMM and Linear Forecasting
of Volatility, Journal of Business & Economics Statistics 26, 2008, 194 210
Time-Variation of Higher Moments in Financial Markets with Heterogeneous Agents: An Analytical
Approach (with S. Alfarano and F. Wagner), Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 32, 2008, 101 136
On Rational Speculative Bubbles and Fat Tails (with D. Sornette), in: Journal of Money, Credit, and
Banking 34, 2002, 589 – 610  Major grants:
2.652.440 Euros, period: 01/14 12/16, European Commission FP7 (Coordinator), Title:FinMAP –
Financial Distortions and Macroeconomic Performance
439.790 Euros, period: 05/11 04/14, Leibniz Foundation (Principal Investigator), Title: Network
Effects and Systemic Risk in the Banking Sector
191.600 Euros, period: 09/2007 07/2010, Volkswagen Foundation (Principal Investigator), Title:
Financial Markets as Complex Networks
231.900 Euros, period: 11/06 04/08, European Commission FP6 (Principal Investigator), Title:
Complex Markets – Financial Markets and Complexity: Uncertainty, Heterogeneous Micro Agents and Aggregate Outcomes

More than 70 Keynote and Invited Talks in conferences, workshops and symposiums.
About 10 to 15 contributed talks at scientific meetings and seminar presentations at academic institutions per year.

Marko Petrovic

Código ORCID: 0000-0001-9383-7958

Rol: Personal de otra entidad


I hold a bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Novi Sad since 2011, and a Master in Economics from the Charles University
of Prague (CERGE-EI) since 2013.

In 2017 I got my PhD in Economics and Business at UJI. During my PhD I got several scholarships:
from the UJI (Plan de promoción de investigación UJI 2019-2021 postdoc), the Generalitat Valenciana (Beca para estancias en centros de
I+D+i internacionales – BEST2020, 6600), BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. (Programa de ayudas para estancias docentes breves del PDI a
América, Asia y Oceanía durante el año 2020, 1800), Universidad Ca’ Foscari (Beca para la estancia en Universidad Ca’ Foscari, 5000).
Additionally, I got a scholarship for master studies from CEGRE-EI foundation. During my PhD and postdoc, I visited the University Ca’
Foscari in 2020 (5 months) and in 2022 (3 months), The central Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia in 2016 (1 month) and in 2017 (1 month).

I joined several European research projects as well as Twinning project coordinated by the Ministry of Finance of Austria and
implemented in the Ministry of Finance of Republic of North Macedonia.

My main research interests are macroeconomics, finance, dynamic systems and simulations, in particular agent-based computational
economics. Moreover, I am interested in field of experimental macroeconomics.
Publications Marko Petrovi&; Andrea Teglio; Simone Alfarano. Credit allocation and the financial crisis: evidence from Spanish companies. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. pp. 1 – 46.

Quality indicators: JCR 2021: 1.237; (292/381) Economics. Q4.
Marko Petrovic; Bulent Ozel; Andrea Teglio; Marco Raberto; Silvano Cincotti. Should I stay or should I go: an agent-based setup for a
trading and monetary union. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 113 – 103866, pp. 1 – 37. AMSTERDAM(Holanda): 21/02/2020.
Quality indicators: JCR 2021: 1.620; (245/381) Economics. Q3.
Anabel Doñate Buendía; Aurora Garcia Gallego; Marko Petrovic. Gender and other moderators of giving in the dictator game: A meta analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 198, pp. 280 – 301. AMSTERDAM(Holanda): 29/03/2022.

Quality indicators:
JCR 2021: 2.000; (195/381) Economics. Q3. Isabel Narbón Perpiñá; Maria Teresa Balaguer Coll; Marko Petrovic; Emili Tortosa Ausina. Which estimator to measure local governments
cost efficiency? The case of Spanish municipalities. SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 11 – 1, pp. 51 – 82. Quality
indicators: JCR 2021: 1.737; (233/381) Economics. Q3.
Deliverables and Technical reports of European projects:
Bulent Ozel; Marko Petrovic; Andrea Teglio; Linda Ponta; Andrea Mazzocchetti; Silvano Cincotti; Mauro Gallegati; Annarita Colasante;
Antonio Palestrini; Ruggero Grilli. SYMPHONY Deliverable D3.3 Final version of the multi-country agent-based macroeconomic engine.
SYMPHONY Project: Documents and Publications. Brussels(Bélgica): Comisión Europea, 15/04/2016.
Silvano Cincotti; Annarita Colasante; Mauro Gallegati; Ruggero Grilli; Andrea Mazzocchetti; Bulent Ozel; Antonio Palestrini; Marko
Petrović; Linda Ponta. SYMPHONY Deliverable D3.2 Early version of the large-scale multi-country agentbased model of the
macroeconomy. SYMPHONY Project: Documents and Publications. Brussels(Bélgica): Comisión Europea, 15/04/2015. Disponible en Internet en: SYMPHONYD32.pdf
Antonio Palestrini; Marko Petrovic; Linda Ponta. SYMPHONY Deliverable D3.1 Large-scale Multi-country Agent-based Model of the
Macroeconomy. SYMPHONY Project: Documents and Publications. Brussels(Bélgica): Comisión Europea, 22/10/2014. Disponible en
Internet en: SYMPHONYD31.pdf
Simone Alfarano; Eva Camacho; Marko Petrovic; Giulia Provenzano. The Interplay between Public and Private Information in Asset
Markets: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches. FinMaP-Working Paper, No. 9. FinMaP Project, 07/10/2014. Disponible en Internet
en: <>.
Aaron Gillet; Axel Nilsson; Bulent Ozel; Carlotta Conte; Carolina Christiansen; Gurden Batra; Konstantina Koulouri; Marko Petrovic;
Oguzhan Yayla; Raj Kalia; Thomas Theodore. A platform to value and invest in nature beyond carbon. pp. 1 – 84.
20/12/2021. Disponible en Internet en: <>.
Research projects:
I have participated in 8 projects and contracts with public and private entities:
Dataville and TreesAI projects. IP: Bulent Ozel and Marko Petrovic. Private entity: Lucidminds B.V. 2022-2023.
TreesAI. IP: Carlotta Conte. Funded by and Morgan Stanley. 2021-2022.
Managing expectations: Formación de expectativas y diseño de políticas macroeconómicas. IP: Simone Alfarano (UJI-B2018-77). 2019-2021.
Cátedra de Nueva Transición Verde. Contract. Funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana. IP: Eva Camacho. 2021-2023
Twinning project MK 18 IPA FI 02 19 Improving Revenue Collection and Tax and Customs Policy at The Ministry of Finance of North
Macedonia. European Commission. IP: Werner Thury. 2020-2023.
Convenio colaboración UJI-Banco España dentro del programa BCO de España-Excelencia en educación e investigación en economía
monetaria, financiera y bancaria. Funding entity: Bank of Spain. IP: Thomas Lux. 2011-2016
Macroeconomic Performance: Expectations, Constraints, and Interaction of Agents (FinMaP). I collaborate with this European project
doing the experiment and analysis, writing deliverables and attending annual meetings. Funded under FP7-SSH. IP: Thomas Lux, IP-UJI:
Simone Alfarano. 2014-2016.
SYMPHONY. Funded under FP7-SSH, European Commission. IP: Andrea Teglio; Silvano Cincotti. 2013-2016.
Conferences and seminars
I have presented my research in 21 conferences and seminars, 18 of them international conferences.
Organization of conferences
Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA) held in Castellón in 2016.

Alba Ruiz Buforn

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-4291-5263

Rol: Personal de otra entidad


I hold a bachelors degree in business administration with honors from the University Jaume I (UJI) since 2013, and a Master in Industrial Economics with honors from the University of Valencia (UV) since 2014.

In 2019 I got my PhD in Economics and Business at UJI. During my PhD I got several scholarships from the UJI (FPI-2014), the Generalitat Valenciana (VALi+d 2014) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU-2014). Additionally, I got a predoctoral scholarship from Fundación Banco Sabadell to finance a research project

I was rewarded with Joachim Herz Award for the two best group projects in the Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics held in the Technische Universität Berlin in 2018. During my PhD I visit the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics
and Finance (CeNDEF) at the University of Amsterdam for three months (2017), University of Bari for two weeks (2018), and the Virginia Commonwealth University, US, for two months (2018). The latter visit was funded by de BP-Foundation.

I worked as a research assistant at UJI in 2019 and 2020. I worked as a researcher at UJI in 2021. I got a postdoctoral scholarship from the UJI, which I did not enjoy, in 2021. Since September 2021, I am assistant professor at UV. I hold the contratado doctor certification
since April 2022.
My main research interests are in experimental economics, in particular experimental finance. Moreover, I am interested in field of Industrial Economics, in which I worked during my masters degree, and I resumed since I got my current position at UV.

Mainly I use the experimental methodology in transportation economic issues.

Ruiz-Buforn, A.; Alfarano, S.; Camacho-Cuena, E.; Morone, A. 2022. Single vs. multiple disclosures in an experimental asset market with
information acquisition. European Journal of Finance. Taylor & Francis. 28 (13-15), 1513 1539. DOI: 10.1080/1351847X.2021.1911822.
Quality indicators: JCR 2021: 1.903; (78/111) Business, Finance Q3; Citations GS: 2.
Ruiz-Buforn, A.; Camacho-Cuena, E.; Morone, A.; Alfarano, S. 2021. Overweighting of public information in financial Markets: A lesson
from the lab Journal of Banking and. Elsevier. 133, 1-20. Quality indicators: JCR 2021: 3.539; (106/381) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 6.
Blanco-Arroyo, O.; Ruiz-Buforn, A.; Vidal-Tomás, D.; Alfarano, S. 2019. Granular companies and regional breakdown: An analysis of the
Spanish case. Estudios de Economía Aplicada. 37, 109-124. Quality indicators: SJR 2020: 0.12; Economics and Econometrics. Q4;
Citations GS: 1.Blanco-Arroyo, O.; Ruiz-Buforn, A.; Vidal-Tomás. D.; Alfarano, S. 2018. On the determination of the granular size of the
economy. Economics Letters. Elsevier. 173, 35-38. Quality indicators: JCR 2018: 0.876; (245/363) Economics. Q3; Citations GS: 23
Ruiz-Buforn, A.; Alfarano, S.; Camacho-Cuena, E. 2019. Price Distortions and Public Information: Theory, Experiments, and Simulations.
Network Theory and Agent- 978- 981-13-8318-2.
Alfarano, S.; Camacho-Cuena, E.; Colasante, A; Ruiz-Buforn, A. 2022. The effect of time-varying fundamentals in Learning-to-Forecast
Experiments. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. Revised and Resubmit (minor revision). Quality indicators: JCR 2021:
1.237; (292/381) Economics. Q4.
Deliverables and Technical reports of European projects:
Camacho-Cuena, E.; Alfarano, S.; Ruiz-Buforn, A.2016. Designing public communication and disclosure strategies for central Banks and
other policy bodies. FinMaP – Policy Letter (Financial Distortions and Macroeconomic Performance: Expectations, Constraints, and
Interaction of Agents). 6, 1-9.
Alfarano, S.; Camacho-Cuena, E.; Ruiz-Buforn, A.2015. An experimental study on overweighting of public information Deliverable – Financial Distortions and Macroeconomic Performance: Expectations, Constraints, and Interaction of Agents. 1.3, pp.1-18

Research projects:
I have participated in 7 projects and contracts with public and private entities:
Dataville and TreesAi projects. IP: Bulent Ozel and Marko Petrovic. Private entity: Lucidminds B.V. 2022-2023.
Managing expectations: Formación de expectativas y diseño de políticas macroeconómicas. IP: Simone Alfarano (UJI-B2018-77). 2019-
Which kind of finance do we want?: Un enfoque experimental y computacional. IP: Simone Alfarano (P1·1B2015-63). 2016-2018
Riesgo Sistémico e información pública en el sector financiero: Experimentos y simulaciones. IP: Eva Camacho (P1·1B2012-27). 2013- 2015
Cátedra de Nueva Transición Verde. Contract. Funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana. IP: Eva Camacho. 2021-2023
Convenio colaboración UJI-Banco España dentro del programa BCO de España-Excelencia en educación e investigación en economía
monetaria, financiera y bancaria. Funding entity: Bank of Spain. IP: Thomas Lux. 2011-2016
Macroeconomic Performance: Expectations, Constraints, and Interaction of Agents (FinMaP). I collaborate with this European project
doing the experiment and analysis, writing deliverables and attending annual meetings. Funded under FP7-SSH. IP: Thomas Lux, IP-UJI:
Simone Alfarano. 2014-2016.
Conferences and seminars:
I have presented my research in 20 conferences and seminars, 15 of them international conferences since 2014.
Organization of conferences:
Southern Europe Experimental Teams Meeting held in Valencia in February 2023.
Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA) held in Castellón in 2016.
8th Artificial Economics held in Castellón in 2012.
Network Approaches for Interbank Markets held in Castellón in 2013.

Alberto Russo

Código ORCID: 0000-0001-8896-109X

Rol: Personal de la entidad

I am a Senior Distinguished Researcher (Beatriz Galindo programme) at the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón de la Plana, Spain) and Associate Professor in Economics (on leave) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy).

I am also an Associate Researcher
to CAMA (Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis), Australian National University. Previously, I was an Assistant Professor at the Università Politecnica delle Marche and an Associate Researcher at the Institute for Complex Systems (CNR, Roma, Italy). I was post doc fellows at both the Università Politecnica delle Marche and the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy).

I got a PhD in Economics from the
University of Pisa in 2005.
My main research interests are agent-based modelling and complexity economics, macroeconomics with heterogeneous interacting
agents, inequality, financial fragility, experimental economics. I published almost 50 papers in recognized journals, more than 10 book chapters, and I am co-editor of three books on agent-based modelling in economics published by Cambridge University Press, Elsevier
and Springer.

I served as guest editor for Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of
Economic Dynamics and Control, and Economics E-Journal, and I am a reviewer for several well-known journals. I have been a member of the scientific committe of a dozen of international conferences.

I have also been a member of the INET task force on macroeconomic
externalities led by Joseph E. Stiglitz, collaborating with Domenico Delli Gatti and Mauro Gallegati. I won the 2020 Kapp Prize for the best article (with Botta A., Caverzasi E., Gallegati M., and J.E Stiglitz) awarded by EAEPE (European Association for Evolutionary Political

Selected publications
Botta A., Caverzasi E., Russo A. (2022), When Complexity Meets Finance: A Contribution to the Study of the Macroeconomic Effects of Complex Financial Systems, Research Policy, 52, 103990. Quality indicators: JCR 2021: 9.473; (24/228) Management Q1; Citations GS:
9.Colasante A., Garcia-Segarra J., Riccetti L., Russo A. (2022), On the Consistency of Individual Behavior when facing Higher Order Risk
Attitudes, Finance Research Letters, 50, 103270. Quality indicators: JCR 2021: 9.846; (1/111) Business, Finance Q1; Citations GS: 0.
Caiani A., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2019), Does Inequality Hamper Innovation and Growth? An AB-SFC Analysis, Journal of Evolutionary
Economics, 29(1): 177-228. Quality indicators: JCR 2019: 1.433; (182/373) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 97.
Giri F., Riccetti L., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2019), Monetary Policy and Large Crises in a Financial Accelerator Agent-Based Model, Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization, 157, 42-58. Quality indicators: JCR 2019: 1.591; (159/373) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 24.
Brianzoni S., Campisi G., Russo A. (2018), Corruption and Economic Growth with Non Constant Labour Force Growth, Communications in
Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 58(May): 202-219. Quality indicators: JCR 2018: 3.967; (5/254) Mathematics, Applied Q1;
Citations GS: 17.
Colasante A., Palestrini A., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2017), Adaptive Expectations versus Rational Expectations: Evidence from the Lab,
International Journal of Forecasting, 33(4): 988-1006. Quality indicators: JCR 2017: 2.186; (69/353) Economics Q1; Citations GS: 28.
Riccetti L., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2016), Stock Market Dynamics, Leveraged Network-based Financial Accelerator and Monetary Policy,
International Review of Economics and Finance, 43(C): 509-524. Quality indicators: JCR 2016: 1.261; (43/96) Business, Finance Q2;
Citations GS: 30.
Riccetti L., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2016), Financialisation and Crisis in an Agent Based Macroeconomic Model, Economic Modelling,
52(A): 162-172. JCR 2016: 1.463; (99/347) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 51.
Riccetti L., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2015), An Agent Based Decentralized Matching Macroeconomic Model, Journal of Economic
Interaction and Coordination, 10(2): 305-332. Quality indicators: JCR 2015: 0.962; (153/345) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 162.
Bargigli L., Gallegati M., Riccetti L., Russo A. (2014), «Network Analysis and Calibration of the ‘Leveraged Network-based Financial
Accelerator'», Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 99: 109-125. Quality indicators: JCR 2014: 1.297; (97/333) Economics Q2;
Citations GS: 35.
Riccetti L., Russo A., Gallegati M. (2013), «Leveraged Network-Based Financial Accelerator», Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
37(8): 1626-1640. Quality indicators: JCR 2013: 1.057; (121/333) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 136.
Delli Gatti D., Gallegati M., Greenwald B., Russo A., Stiglitz J.E. (2012), Mobility Constraints, Productivity Trends, and Extended Crises,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83(3): 375-393. Quality indicators: JCR 2012: 1.065; (126/333) Economics Q2; Citations
GS: 121.
Delli Gatti D., Gallegati M., Greenwald B., Russo A., Stiglitz J.E. (2010), «The Financial Accelerator in an Evolving Credit Network», Journal
of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34(9): 1627-1650. Quality indicators: JCR 2010: 1.117; (94/305) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 308.
Russo A., Catalano M., Gaffeo E., Gallegati M., Napoletano M. (2007), «Industrial Dynamics, Fiscal Policy and R&D: Evidence from a
Computational Experiment», Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 64(3-4):426-447. Quality indicators: JCR 2007: 0.772;
(78/191) Economics Q2; Citations GS: 118.
Research projects
I participated to more than 10 (Italian, European and International) projects as a member. Moreover, I have been the principal investigator
of the following projects:(co-PI with Simone Alfarano) Behavioral heterogeneity and economic fluctuations financed by the Valencian
Community (AICO/2021/005).
(co-PI with Jaume Garcia Segarra) Inequality, financial fragility and monetary policy in a macro agent-based framework with experimentally
tested boundedly rational expectations financed by the Universitat Jaume I (UJI-B2020-16).
Tackling inequality and promoting inclusive growth: An AB-SFC model of the European economy financed by Università Politecnica delle
Marche (2017-9).
Conferences and seminars
I presented my research in more than 50 conferences and almost 20 seminars. Moreover, I have been an invited speaker at:
Systemic Risk Conference: Economists meet Neuroscientists, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and House of Finance-Goethe
University, Frankfurt am Main (Germany), 17-18/9/2012.
ICC Tsinghua Conference Innovation, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Economic Development and Catch-up, Tsinghua University, Beijing
(China), 23-25/5/2019
2nd Encontro de Economia e Complexidade FEA-USP, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil), 9/12/2019.
47th Encontro Nacional de Economia ANPEC, Fundaçao Getùlio Vargas, Escola de Economia de São Paulo (Brazil), 10-13/12/2019
Organization of conferences
Large-scale Crises: 1929 vs. 2008, Ancona (Italy), December 17-19, 2015.
Economics, Economic Policies and Sustainable Growth in the Wake of the Crisis, Ancona (Italy), 8-10/9/2016.
Finance and Growth in the Aftermath of the Crisis, Milan (Italy), 11-13/9/2017.
Coordinator of the Hands-On AB-SFC Summer School, Ancona (Italy), 12-16/9/2022.


Carlos Alos Ferrer

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-1668-9784

¿Es entidad?


Entidad a la que pertenece: UNIVERSIDAD DE ZURICH

País al que pertenece la entidad


Annarita Colasante

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-2641-1479

¿Es entidad?



País al que pertenece la entidad: 


Domenico Delli Gatti

Código ORCID: 0000-0001-8819-090X

¿Es entidad?


Entidad a la que pertenece:


País al que pertenece la entidad:


Mauro Gallegati

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-2260-2665

¿Es entidad?


Entidad a la que pertenece:


País al que pertenece la entidad:


Michele Garagnani

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-2510-7109

¿Es entidad?


Entidad a la que pertenece:


País al que pertenece la entidad: 


Carsien Harm Hommes

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-2260-2665

¿Es entidad?


Entidad a la que pertenece:


País al que pertenece la entidad:


Bulent Ozel

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-4992-1965 

¿Es entidad?


Entidad a la que pertenece:


País al que pertenece la entidad: